You could think a lot about why Google closed down its chinese search engine.
Was it the cyber attacks on Google suspected to be orchestrated by Beijing
Your humble writer doesn’t know. However, its hard to get away from the fact that Google spat the dummy over ‘net censorship and the CCP were happy to show them the door if they weren’t going to play ball.
The CCP is obsessed with controlling the ‘net and, as Colonel Klink would say “they have ways of making you talk” (or not talk). There are currently more than 30,000 civil servants dedicated to censorship activities and an unknown number of secret police and other personnel devoted to intimidating dissidents and enforcing the party’s ‘net edicts.
I can’t help wondering if the CCP is a victim of Maslow’s hammer, trying to use traditional strong arm tactics to control something as fluid as the ‘net. Could the CCP stand to learn a thing or two from the US Republicans?
On paper the Republicans platforms are unelectable.
They favour tax cuts for the wealthiest 10% of the population, are against health insurance for 32 million citizens and went to war on a mistake (at best).
If US citizens voted their interests, there wouldn’t be a Republican party.
However, far from disappearing, the Republicans are surging back and may well be at least competitive in the November mid terms. And they are surging back in the poorest states in the
How? In my view, an important factor is their appeal to emotion rather than reasons.
For instance, they don’t argue that a well funded public healthcare system is more expensive, they instead say its goddamned communism.
They don’t argue that tax cuts disproportionally favour the rich, they argue its about freedom of the working class.
They are also not afraid to try an old blood libel as in “the other side kill babies”.
The keys are: clear and emotive lines; party discipline to stay on message; and maybe a little help from a friendly media empire. All things the CCP should have in abundance.
If the Republicans can do it in the US with all the freedoms the Democrats and other opponents enjoy, surely the CCP can do it in China without the heavy stick of censorship?
I’m not a citizen of
However, the CCP is fairly comfortable with the use of force to quell dissent, it would take a conceptual leap to rely exclusively on more subtle methods. As Mr Maslow said “If you have a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail”.